Thursday, October 6, 2016

And the 30-hour Journey to ND begins with a lesson - Faith.

Before I begin, I want to express so much gratitude to the beautiful souls that made this mission possible, with donations of goods, money, time, prayers, delicious driving snacks and so much love and good vibes. This expression of unity for this makes me smile huge, and warms my heart. I will do my very best for all of you, all of US. THANK YOU, you are truly angels.

And the 30-hour Journey to North Dakota begins with a lesson… Faith.

As I rented the van, there were enough donations to pay for it, but not for all the gas. I have no financial cushion left (no credit cards I can use, no money in the bank) - I proceeded with faith.

You see this year, my step father passed away and I spent four months in Florida helping my Mom and Gram (who is 96) so my savings is gone. I was visiting Vermont, and the idea for this mission was born. Like many things in my life, I go for it, without a safety net.

I believe in this mission, with all of my heart and soul. I believe that it's meant to happen. So, I gulped and handed over the bulk of the donations to pay for the van rental.

Then, I arrived at Tina’s place. Tina graciously donated her garage to serve as a donation headquarters for the past few weeks, and... there was an envelope with more donations which covered the gas needed to make the drive. There are still donations coming in, and I know all needs will be met, and whatever extra will be given to the tribe for other needed supplies. Faith.

We have a van full of beautiful warm jackets, blankets, sweaters, sleeping bags and food. It all works out, just as it is meant to. My travel partner wasn’t able to come; she is nursing a very serious back injury. That too, all worked itself out. Being one that travels alone often, – I own a worldwide travel business – and I travel up and down the east coast from Florida to Vermont at least twice a year, I'm quite happy making the drive myself. I know the mission, and I am willing to do what it takes to get there.

We got the van all loaded, decorated up and on the road.  

I am overwhelmed with gratitude and humbled by the number of people who have helped this all happen. I thank each and every one for your donations, prayers, kind words and love. Unity is so powerful, it accomplishes AMAZING things.

I drove most of the night with a short nap along the way, I will be stopping in Chicago to pick up some more donations and should arrive in Standing Rock by Friday evening. I will do my best to take as many photos, videos and stories as possible. If you know me, you know I'm not shy to talk to people… :) I am so excited to bring things and work for the people in whatever capacity they need me. I worked in the schools when I worked with the Iroquois, so I would be happy to help with that….but I remain open. I am also strong and can and will do what is needed.

I am committed to asking questions, determining needs and prioritizing them for us so we can all continue to provide support even after I return. I will make solid contacts to make on-going mailings possible. I plan to continue to provide support after I leave, and I hope others do as well. We often jump into something and then lose interest, especially in our fast-paced, over-stimulating world. But let's all remember the value of tenacity and dedication in battles. This is a marathon, not a sprint.

Today I was thinking a lot about the grace and forgiveness shown by Native People. We created a genocide in their society over hundreds of years, ruined their sustainable culture, delivered toxins to the nature that they hold sacred, yet they still remain a peaceful people. There is a lesson in that. And yes, maybe some of them hold resentment against people for what has been done, but if you put yourself in their place, wouldn’t you? Generally, though, they have still maintained a beautiful, soulful, Earth-loving peaceful people. I recognize, commend and admire that. Which is a huge part of standing behind them, helping them…showing that not all “whites” are betrayers, liars and as heartless as they have witnessed in the past.

It is up to us to create a social revolution. By definition revolution is “a forcible overthrow of social order in favor of a new system.” Forcible doesn’t have to mean violence… it means a strong opposition of the present situation. Overthrow doesn’t necessarily mean taking down the government…it means a CONSCIOUS CHANGE!

Haven’t we all complained enough, been disappointed enough in how things are done and talked enough it to death? The time for ACTION is now. This is a real part of why I am doing this…as an example. I am financially insecure, I have no job right now, I have very little, but I can create an idea, and WE work together, and we are accomplishing this mission.

CHANGE is possible. Can you imagine what other things can be done with more unity and more resources??? We must stop disconnecting from each other. We must wake up and identify distractions in our life, and start focusing energies on the things that are truly important.

I will say this 100 times. UNITY IS POWER. We may feel powerless at times, but we are NOT powerless.

I know I am passionate about all this… but please take time today and just really THINK about what I am saying. The Native People in Standing Rock are the same, they don’t have lots of money, they don’t have possessions, or investments, or savings…..but they have heart, conviction, courage and a strong belief in what is truly important. These things have FAR greater value than money. They are setting the example, let us follow it.  

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